Tekalign Amera Birlie, Abraham Tsedalu Amare, Sheganew Fetene Tasew, Ermias Sisay Chanie, Dejen Getaneh Feleke, Getasew Legas, Nigusie Selomon Tibebu, Tigabu Munye Aytenew, Gebrie Kassaw Yirga, Agimasie Tigabu, Tadila Dires Nega, Yeshambaw Eshetie, Tamiru Alene Woelile, Endalkachew Sisay Yigzaw and Yosef Gebremikael Dubale (2023) “Health-related Beliefs and Practices towards Witchcraft in Tach Gayint District, northwest Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study”, The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development , 37(3). doi: 10.20372/ejhd.v37i3.6078.