Maternal Satisfaction with Antenatal Care Service in selected Public and Private Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Cross- sectional study


  • Kal Ayele Belachew
  • Ayele Belachew



Abstract Background: Client satisfaction is an important aspect of antenatal care service, not only improves accessibility but also ensures quality. Assuming a variation, this study aims to generate evidence on the level of antenatal care client satisfaction attending antenatal care in public and private hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional facility-based study was conducted among a sample of 414 pregnant women attending selected public and private hospitals in Addis Ababa using a consecutive exit interview approach. Client satisfaction was assessed using ten quality items to measure satisfaction. A chi-square test to detect any associations, binary and multiple logistic regressions for factor analysis was conducted. Results: Overall, 49.3% of pregnant women were found satisfied with the antenatal service they received, and a statistically significantly higher proportion of public hospital attendees (45.7%) were found satisfied as compared to 41.4% among women who attended private hospitals. Of the total ten quality items employed to measure the level of satisfaction (outcome variable), more women in both groups showed better satisfaction with waiting time, accessibility, pharmacy, and laboratory service, while a small proportion of women reported being satisfied with provider’s attentiveness, privacy, transparency and attitude. Except for the cost-of-service item, in all other nine quality items, more women who attended public hospitals reported satisfied compared to those from private hospitals. Significantly more private attendees were satisfied with the cost of service than those from public facilities, 50.4% and 25.6% respectively. The two factors that independently influence level satisfaction were type of facility and place of ANC in their previous pregnancy, where those women attended public hospitals were 3 times more likely to be satisfied compared to those attended private hospitals [AOR = 3, 95% CI:1.23-7.36] and those who had antenatal in the same facility in their previous pregnancy were 70% less likely to be satisfied compared to those who had antenatal in another facility [AOR = .3, 95% CI:.14-.67] Conclusion & Recommendation: Overall, only half of women reported being satisfied with the antenatal care services they received in the studied hospitals. A higher proportion of women who received ANC service at public hospitals reported being satisfied by the service compared to those who received it at private hospitals. The lowest satisfaction score was recorded in those “provider attributes” items, hence due attention should be given to improving  provider competencies. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2024; 38(4): 00-00] Keywords: Antenatal care, Satisfaction, public hospitals, private hospitals.




How to Cite

Kal Ayele Belachew, & Ayele Belachew. (2024). Maternal Satisfaction with Antenatal Care Service in selected Public and Private Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Cross- sectional study. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 38(4).



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