The effect of education on the quality of nursing care in ICU patients under mechanical ventilation
AbstractBackground: In patient care, apart from doctors, nurses also play a crucial role. The study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of using different communication aids while dealing with patients in the ICU and specifically for those undergoing mechanical ventilation. This could help uplift the overall quality of life of all of the patients by taking care of them physically and providing holistic support.Objective: To evaluate the impact of non-verbal communication between nursing caregivers and patients with critical therapeutic condition, admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) who are under mechanical ventilation, or are intubated due to respiratory failure.Methods: This study was conducted in the ICU under the cardiothoracic and respiratory department at Apadana hospital in Iran. A randomly selected samples of 20 nurses and 70 patients were included. An observer was appointed to record the interactions, and the observer noted 350 instances of communication. A six-item Likert Scale was used to assess the satisfaction level of the communication in both samples.Result: Most of the patients were male (70%), and most (60%) of the nurses were female. Approximately 80% of the patients initiated communication with the nurses before the communication skills and communication raids were conducted. A significant rise in response and acceptance was observed in the nursing caregivers. This positive response from the nurses helped the patients to gear up and recover faster.Conclusions: To improve the overall Quality of Life (QoL) and achieve the ultimate treatment goal. An excellent mental condition is one of the essential factors. To maintain a good mental state for the patients, it is imperative to encourage good communication between the patient and nurses. This study has proven the potentiality of adopting good communication skills and supported making good interactive communication between patients and their nurses, resulting in eradicating the effects of adverse mental conditions on the overall treatment and healing process. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(4): 397-403]Keywords: Nonverbal communication; intubated; ventilator; intensive care unit; mechanical; acute respiratory failure; cardiac care facilities.Downloads
How to Cite
Chen Jing, Yang Qian, & Li Yi. (2021). The effect of education on the quality of nursing care in ICU patients under mechanical ventilation. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 35(4). Retrieved from
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