Features of onchocerciasis in two rural villages of southwestern Ethiopia


  • Asefa Aga
  • Frew Lernma
  • J .A.G. Whitworth


Abstract:A clinical and parasitological survey of onchocerciasis in two rural villages, SouthWestern Ethiopia was carried out in March, 1992 using a convenience sampling method. Out of approximately 5000 villagers, 620 persons participated in the study of whom 202 qualified for examination for onchocerca microfilaria. The overall prevalence rate of onchocerciasis based on skin snip examination was 54.5%, (60% Gojeb, 50% Kishe). Twenty four percent had acute skin lesions, while 44.4% had chronic skin lesions of whom 14.4% had nodules. Out of 34 cases of visual impairment, six cases of ocular oncho were identified (four choroidoretinitis, one chronic iritis/cataract and one punctate keratitis). The community microfilarial load was 17.2 and 17.1 mf/mg skin snip for the two villages. The number of microfiliae per mg skin snip ranged between 0 and 382. Itching was reported in 80% of villagers. The epidemiological and clinical features of onchocerciasis along with possible control methods are discussed. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1 995; 9( 1) : 81-86]




How to Cite

Aga, A., Lernma, F., & Whitworth, J. .A.G. (2017). Features of onchocerciasis in two rural villages of southwestern Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 9(2). Retrieved from https://ejhd.org/index.php/ejhd/article/view/1085



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