Forms and contents of oxalate and calcium in some vegetables in Ethiopia
Abstract: Contents and forms of oxalate and calcium in some vegetables of Ethiopia were determined. On the average, the total oxalate content of spinach, swiss-chard and beet root were 9794,7554 and 222 mg/100g on dry weight basis, respectively. The other vegetables studied however , contained low level of oxalate. Two fractions of oxalate were isolated- a fraction soluble in boiling water and an associated (nsoluble residue which was predominantly in the form of calcium oxalate. The water-soluble oxalates of vegetables studied account for over 50% of the total oxalate. Most of the calcium in the vegetables was in the form .of calcium oxalate whirh is unlikely to be available to the body. Since the intake of vegetables cannot be discouraged, it is worthwhile to improve the nutritional value of these vegetables by reducing the water-soluble oxalates as it accounts for over 50% of the total oxalate content. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1995;9{1 ):13-18]Downloads
How to Cite
Jiru, K., & Urga, K. (2017). Forms and contents of oxalate and calcium in some vegetables in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 9(1). Retrieved from
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