Breastfeeding In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Results of a focus group study
Abstract: A large shift has been observed from breastfeeding to bottle feeding in the urban areas of developing countries. Non-optimal breastfeeding patterns are contributing to the diarrhoeal diseases and malnutrition problems in such areas. To examine the existent of non-optimal breastfeeding, to identify the segment of the population in which these practices exist, and to ultimately carry out well targeted interventions, a situation analysis study on the breastfeeding patterns of infants was undertaken in the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. In-depth interviews and focus group discussion were used in this study. The in-depth interviews revealed out that there was no policy 9! the Ministry of Health concerning breastfeeding and supplementation and there was a delay in the rooming-in of babies delivered at health facilities during evening and night hours. Newborns were also given non-nutritive fluids in the first three days of life. Working mothers were allowed to have a 45-day paid maternity leave. The focus group discussions undertaken wi!h mothers and grandmothers revealed that most newborns were given water just after birth. Itwas generally found out that women from low socio-economic status (SES) had negative attitude while those from middle and high socio-economic status and grandmothers had positive attitude towards breastfeeding regardless of their ethnicity. Recommendations are made based on the results obtained in the study. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1996;10(3):133-143]Downloads
How to Cite
Ketsela, T., Kebede, D., Belachew, C., & Neka- Tibe, H. (2017). Breastfeeding In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Results of a focus group study. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 10(3). Retrieved from
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